How To Use Our Nuscents Points App
How To Use The Nuscents Points App
We receive many emails each month asking how to redeem points, log in or sign up to our Nuscents Points App. There are some issues we are unable to assist with as it requires you to log in, but for everything else we've put together this little walkthrough guide as it has become impossible to provide one to one advice as often as is necessary.
These are the answers to questions we are able to answer, though there's a link to the app developer FAQ for anything more detailed. Unfortunately, we're unable to provide one-to-one support with our Points App as the key and known answers are below;
Please note: We cannot manually add/alter points to your account or assist with login issues, though the information below should answer these issues.
In this guide, we answer the following questions;
- "I Can't Log Into The Points App"
- "My Points/Birthday Points Haven't Gone On"
- "How Do I Spend My Points?"
- "Can I Redeem Points If I've Ordered Before Signup?"
"I Can't Log Into The Points App"
Please click the purple 'Shopping Bag' icon present on mobile or desktop versions of our website. From here, you should be able to log in. The app may require you to verify your email address which will involve clicking a link sent to your email address (please check 'spam' folders).
If you haven't previously signed up via the points app but have ordered with us previously, please sign up using the email address used when you ordered. The app may or may not allocate points for previous orders - this usually depends on when the app was ordered.
Due to GDPR, we do not keep hold of email addresses linked to previous orders. Please see below for an example as to what the rewards app link should look like on our website.

"My points/birthday points haven't gone on, or there is an issue with the number of points the app has allocated."
Birthday dates must be set 30 days prior to redemption. We do not have the function to change your birthday date or add points to accommodate this. Points are usually allocated as per spend, though some items are exempt from points, as is postage or any postage/retail discount against your order. This is automatically calculated via the points app and is something we cannot control.
"How do I spend my points?"
When logged into the app, you'll see options for 'ways to earn' and 'ways to redeem'. If you click through the 'ways to redeem' function, you'll see a slider where you can redeem X points for a code for £X value. The code is unique to you and must be kept safe. Again, we have no access to the inner detail of the app so are unable to make notes of codes generated. It is your responsibility to make note of any codes the app may generate for you. Codes are usually also sent to you via email, so it'd be worth searching 'Nuscents rewards' in your email inbox.
Please see below for the first steps of how to redeem. At this point, you're three clicks away from your code.
"Can I Redeem Points If I've Ordered Before Signup?"
We're unsure. This seems to depend on how recently you ordered. Some customers are lucky, others aren't. We're unable to add points to your account as we don't have access to the app. For best results, sign up using the email address linked to any previous orders via our website. It may be that the app recognises those orders in a day or two and adds your points - in this case, you're lucky. It may be that your points aren't added, and unfortunately whilst we put this app in place for you, we cannot add points which would've been earned on previous orders. This is because we don't have access to the inner workings of the app.
Our Nuscents Points App is used by hundreds of customers with total ease each month, and the above information should help you on your way to answering the most common questions. However, if you're still struggling beyond this help, please click the below link to the FAQs by the app developer which has other technical answers.
We reserve the right to withdraw/alter/amend the points app or app privileges at any time and without notice. Points have no redeemable monetary value. The answers to all questions we're able to answer are above. We cannot provide further one-to-one technical app support.
Many thanks,
The Nuscents Team