Our Bestselling Offer: 5 For £10 50g Wax Melts. Code: 1FREE

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"Your whipped soap is gorgeous. Soft on my skin. Eilish is my fave"
Rachel Verified Buyer



What started in 2019 as a search for home fragrances became an accidental success. From crafting at home to outgrowing our first unit in three months, Nuscents has now reached over 50,000 homes. Along the way, we expanded into cosmetics, including our popular Eau De Parfum and Whipped Soap ranges. Despite shipping up to 100 orders daily, we stay true to the personal customer service that built us.

Many thanks, Kay & Daryl

Whipped Soap Collection Now Expanded. 40+ Designer Inspired Scents.

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80+ Designer Inspired EDP From £9. 3x 100ml £40 code: FB40.

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Quick, Long-Lasting Home Fragrance Boost.

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The Home Of Affordable Wax Melts

We believe in low prices, and with Wax Melts available in more than 150 scents in stock, we are one of the leading independent manufacturers of wax melts in the UK.